1New Horizons is the world’s largest training provider with a global footprint of more than 300 locations in over 70 countries.
1New Horizons has more combined global training experience than any other training provider in the world.
New Horizons has over 30 years of global experience as an industry leading training provider.
New Horizons has been established as a reputable training provider for over 10 years in the Australian training industry.
New Horizons Australia’s training team has a combined training delivery experience of more than 250 years in the Australian training industry.
    New Horizons has been awarded more times by major vendors than any other training organisation in the world.
All New Horizons trainers have real-world business experience, allowing for an increased level of student engagement.
New Horizons is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
New Horizons employs vendor certified and industry experienced trainers which ensures students receive training from qualified instructors.
Our customers have a dedicated account manager who provides advice and guidance regarding training solutions and manages the relationship end-to-end.
1Frequently scheduled courses ensure businesses don’t have to wait long periods of time to skill up their staff.
1Our courses are bundled with free course repeats, which helps reinforce newly acquired skills and improve training ROI.
1 New Horizons offers complimentary pre-course assessments to help clients ensure the accuracy of course placement and learning outcomes.
1New Horizons provides training solutions that achieve real business outcomes to help clients achieve business goals.
1New Horizons offers an unmatched breadth of comprehensive training solutions across four main portfolios: Desktop Applications, Professional Development, IT Technical and Design, Media & Graphics.
1New Horizons can offer customised training programs to address specific training needs.
1Students receive complimentary post-course support to assist with knowledge and skills reinforcement.
1Conveniently located facilities in the heart of the city CBD make getting to and from training easy.
1New Horizons’ employees have an average tenure of four years, ensuring that clients deal with experienced advisors who have been working in the training industry for numerous years.
20New Horizons uses authorised and accredited courseware, which ensures clients receive quality material to take-away.
1Customers have the option to organise dedicated training events to be delivered at New Horizons’ premises or the customer’s.
1New Horizons is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner for Learning Solutions, which ensures clients receive high quality training from a Microsoft approved, endorsed and accredited provider.
1New Horizons partners with a range of leading organisations to offer our customers a great breadth of training solutions.
1New Horizons is a vendor neutral organisation; we provide training on the best of breed technologies across a range of vendors.
  1New Horizons’ nationwide training facilities provide an enhanced ease of training organisation
and facilitation.
20New Horizons offers a variety of flexible training options to suit every client’s learning requirements, resources and budget.


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