How to get the most out of Outlook

 Sep 23, 2016

We are all aware that Microsoft Outlook is a powerful application, but most of us just use it to send and receive emails. Microsoft Outlook also allows you to manage your calendar, share meeting times and set reminders. You could also create groups, which allow you to discuss, collaborate and share notes and files with others.

In the following blog posts, our expert Microsoft Outlook trainers, Matthew Goodall and Alice Antonsen will help you master this application by explaining:

  • How to recall a message in Outlook
  • How to effectively set rules
  • How to save time when dealing with meetings and tasks

For more information, take a look at New Horizons’ Outlook training courses.

 Nov 10, 2020

Recall a message in Outlook We've all done it before, we've clicked on Send before proofreading one of our emails, forgotten to upload an attachment into the [...]

 Apr 28, 2021

Rules in Microsoft Outlook are a way to automatically manage emails coming into your inbox. The most common type of rule are those that move certain emails to folders [...]

 Feb 17, 2021

Microsoft Outlook is probably the most widely utilised Microsoft Application in the world and in my opinion, it is also the application that should have the most [...]

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About the Author:

New Horizons  

New Horizons is Australia's leading corporate training provider, and has been educating business professionals for over 15 years in the areas of Professional Development, Microsoft Office & Adobe Applications, and IT Technical. Our aim through this blog is to bring you relevant stories, articles, and tips & tricks that can help you to improve your skills and productivity in the workplace. Our expert trainers will also be posting their own articles from time to time, so be sure to keep an eye out.

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